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Jennifer Segerius, MBA

Want To Work With Me 1-on-1 To Scale or Launch a Complete Online Business Together?

What do you need help with the most in your business RIGHT NOW?

Marketing Expert

Success Coach

Growth Strategist

Lead Generation

Start Up Specialist

Online Following

How Would You Like Me to Personally help you start your business or Create a Flow of Automated Leads, Clients, and Sales Straight Into Your Business… For Free?

  • Gain customized “scenario-specific” business growth & marketing recommendations and strategies.
  • Are you stuck losing out to the competition?
  • Are you struggling with not selling enough?
  • Are you frustrated with costs eating up all your profits?
  • Are you lost still doing what’s not working?
  • Are you tired of being marginalized by the marketplace?
  • Are you still saying, “I can do it all myself”?…


Get Focused on YOUR Business to…

  • Uncover New Profitable Revenue Sources
  • Enhance Your Competitive Positioning
  • Transform Your Marketing Approach
  • Transform Your Marketing Approach


 This program will be unlike anything you’ve ever experienced… 


BUT – We’re not accepting just anyone to this exclusive opportunity. You have to be:

  1. Running a real online services business with a successful track record.
  2. Be in the process of starting a real business.
  3. A fanatic about growing your business.
  4. Open-minded to non-linear business growth methods
  5. Not a start-up looking for funding, or a last ‘Hail Mary’).


My #1 Business Success Discovery After Teaching 100’s of Students…

I’ve taught 100’s of people how to start and grow a successful online business over the last 10 years. In all that time, I discovered The Key Difference between those who make it and those who don’t.

Here’s what I found…

A Proven System with Mentorship!

As you know, an automated system, a marketing funnel that converts leads into sales predictably, consistently, and profitably is the holy grail of Internet Marketing.

Now, Here’s The 2 Things Needed to Finally Create An Entrepreneurial Breakthrough..

Not a single thing we learn in our traditional upbringing prepares us for the challenge of becoming a successful Entrepreneur. So, basically, we start right off the bat with the Wrong Mindset.

We truly are not prepared at any level to face the challenge. So, here’s the Two Things needed to finally create an Entrepreneurial Breakthrough:

AnchorThing #1: Mental Breakthrough


The first step. We need to have an internal Shift. We need to think differently and we need to act differently. Basically, we need a major Mindset Breakthrough.

However, it’s a shame that No One talks about this.

Well, not anymore – the Very first thing we do is focus on this breakthrough. We invest the first portion of our time together in completely changing who you are as a person. This won’t just impact your success as an Entrepreneur – it’ll change everything about you.

Only after that can we move on to the #2 element that finally leads to income.

AnchorThing #2: Tactical Breakthrough


Okay, now that you’re mentally Ready to become an entrepreneur – You Also need to know:

  1. Which business model will lead to the fastest results…
  2. Exactly what steps to take…
  3. Exactly How to implement those steps…

…and how to put everything together to take the business Live!

Here’s Exactly What We Achieve In Our Time Together…


Once you qualify for “Marketing Reinvention Consulting” – We’ll be working with you Live. Hands-on. Lots of calls and screen sharing! We’re not just going to teach you.

We’re going to build Your business with you.


Part 1: Business Creation

Together, we will build your optin pages, value pages, thank you page, autoresponders, and every single element of your brand new business.

We also focus on a bootcamp style personal transformation inside of you.

These are very intense days, but worth every second.

After that, we’ll get ready to even start your traffic.

Part 2: Growing Your Business

Now that your business is up and running, and leads are flowing in – we’ll keep working with you and make your business Grow. This is the part where we go over advanced information and leave you equipped to scale.

So that by the time we’re finished, you will have a Complete Business that’s working around the clock generating leads, revenue and freedom.

I’m So Glad You Committed – That’s Step #1!

Now, To Be Clear – You Must Be Prepared To Make an Investment In Yourself!

It’s very important to understand that this is not a “get rich quick” scheme or a “fix me quick” solution. Also, this program requires a lot of my personal time, and my entire team’s dedicated effort.

This is why I want to truly make sure you’re 100% ready and Committed.

Our programs are only for those who not only have desire, but also have a realistic approach to business; they understand that investment is always required to achieve greatness.

However, this is an Entrepreneurial Investment you’re making in Yourself that will pay-off for the rest of your life.

So, be prepared to discuss this and be 100% committed.

So when you apply today and have your Free Qualification call, just be ready to discuss the level of investment you’re excited to make in yourself…

#Boom! Let’s Get You On a Free  Qualifying Coaching Call!

Here’s The Next Steps To  See If You Qualify!

Here’s the step-by-step rundown of what happens next:


Step #1: Application Form

Today, is Step #1. In fact, the process has already begun. 

As soon as you submit that application form pick a time for us to talk, the countdown will start for…

Step #2: Do You Qualify?

We will go through your application, and within 48 hours, someone will reach out to you IF YOU DON’T QUALIFY. 

If you do qualify for the first round, you will not hear from us until first free coaching call, where we will will try to understand where you are right now and what you want to accomplish.

AnchorStep #3: Free Coaching Call

A Free coaching consultation call with one of our main lead coaches. Yup, absolutely free.

Our lead coaches have been in the trenches and have plenty of experience with starting their own online businesses as well as helping many many more with their entrepreneurial journey.

They will then decide on accepting you to whatever program will fit you needs next. Whether this is a business start up trajectory, a marketing bootcamp, a coaching project or pure consulting….  This will then take you to…

AnchorStep #4: Training

We don’t waste any time and from Week #1 on, we start your training right from your own home.

But, remember, we’re now going to be your coaches and we’ll help you every step of the way.Anchor

This is where all the magic happens.

This is where we transform your mind and give you the tactical breakthrough by launching your profitable online business.

now that you know the steps involved, are you ready?


Will It Really Work For Your Business?


And if you’re asking yourself that question right now, it means you’re smart.

And I’ll tell you something most “marketing people” won’t:

There’s no such thing as a “one size fits all” marketing funnel.


Here’s why: Your business really is different.

You have your own unique message, your own unique market you’re going after, your own unique price points, and your own unique way of selling.

So, anybody that tries to blindly tell you that “this is gonna work great!” without taking the time to really understand exactly how your business works is either just trying to make a sale or blindly naive.

And that’s why we’re going to review your business and give you a custom marketing funnel, free.

Here’s How We’ll do it…


The first thing I’m going to do for you is to personally help you create a strategic plan to bring in immediate money.

There’s no charge for this and it only takes about 30 minutes for us to do together.

(After doing this type of thing for almost 14 years straight, I’ve gotten pretty good at fast results).

Once we have those “raw materials”, I help you come up with a strategic plan of action to immediately increase your profits dramatically.

There are a number of ways I might do this for you.

For example, I might show you how to position yourself, restructure your offer for a better price point, how to set up or optimize individual parts of your current funnel, how to create recurring revenue (even without a continuity program), how to pull in buyers from untapped sources, or how to reactivate past customers.

And if you have a list of prospects, we’re bound to create a quick promotion you can run within days …and have the cash register ringing over and over again.

And like I said, there’s no charge for this.

Anyway, I’ll even do most of the heavily lifting for you …. telling you exactly what to send, how to position your offer, and how to bring in back-end money as well.

At the end of this initial planning session one of these two things will happen:

  1. You love the plan and decide to implement it by yourself. If this is the case, I’ll wish you the best of luck and ask that you keep in touch with me to let me know how you’re doing.
  1. You love the plan and ask to become my client, so I can personally help you execute, maximize, and profit from it ASAP.

If that’s the case, we’ll knock it out of the park …And that’s a promise. I’ve never had a client leave – and I’m pretty sure they’re not sticking around because of my great smile!

It really is that simple and there’s no catch.

Think about this.

The “worst” that can happen is you get $100 for “wasting” 30-45 minutes of your time.

The best that can happen is we work together one on one to increase sales and profit several times over.

I’ve set aside some time to have my office personally review your business, your offer, and your current sales process (or your plans for selling a future offer).

Next, we’ll work with you to determine your sales goals, how many leads you want to get, and what you want your lifetime revenue per client to be.

After that, it’s time to get to work!


Based on what you tell us …

We’ll Give You A Custom “Funnel” Of A Complete Series Of Integrated Campaigns Specifically For Your Business, Free.

So why would I offer it?


Two reasons:

  1. First of all, I enjoy it. This type of thing is what I do best as a business growth consultant, and it makes me very, very happy to see someone achieve financial success (and all that comes with it) as a result of the help I give them.
  2. Second of all, it’s how I attract top-level clients.

Here’s how that works:

Assuming you’re happy and you want me to crank out these types of plans for you all the time, you’ll probably want to continue working together long term so I can help you implement them.

If this is the case, I might invite you to become a client.


Here’s The “Catch” You’ve Been Looking For…

It’s simple.

We can’t (and won’t) talk to just anyone.

In order to invest our time and energy into providing you with a custom marketing plan, you need to meet some strict (but reasonable) criteria.

Here it is:

  1. This isn’t really suited for all business types.

These campaigns are best for people who sell information or education products, masterminds, coaching, consulting, or professional services (like attorneys, copywriters, ad agencies, etc.)

They’re not really designed for “hard goods” such as manufacturers, or typical “e-commerce” sites that sell things like clothes, bicycles, light bulbs, etc.

  1. You can’t sell “get rich quick” products, porn, or any other “shady” stuff that I don’t want to associate with.

Nor will I work with anyone who shares customer data with high pressure “phone rooms” to sell overpriced “coaching” programs, opportunities, or anything similar.

We only work with “clean” businesses and refuse to help anyone harm consumers in any way.

  1. You’ve got to actually have (or will have)  a viable offer for me to help you with marketing

This isn’t for brand new beginners with no clue about what to sell.

You actually need to something to sell …otherwise there’s no point in building all of this.

So as long as you’re legitimate and have an actual offer, I’d be delighted to help you …for free.

And if you get value out of the help we provide and want to become a client, that’s great.


Yes, Jennifer! I want this!

Here’s what I’m doing:

I’m applying to speak with Jennifer Segerius International  and maybe become a client;

This is what I know will happen next….

  • I will be able to schedule a time for me to talk to Jennifer personally.
  • Jennifer will help me create a plan for an immediate increase in profits, or a start up plan or discuss with me if one of her programs would be a good fit for me.
  • I may or may not become a client, and there will be no pressure to do so!
  • If Jennifer and I decide we’re not a good “fit” and if I think Jennifer has wasted my time, we will start working together, and I realize I must always pay one month up front. 
  • If we decide we are a good fit, I will become a client and provide Jennifer with a review.
  • I realize that every single one of Jennifer Segerius’ clients generate more income from working with her than what they pay her, so the “cost” to me is essentially zero.
  • The SOLE PURPOSE of this is for me to make more money in my business while delivering even greater value to my marketplace and having lots of fun in the process.
  • I realize this is by application only, and appointments are granted on a first come, first served basis.


Hi, my name is Jennifer, and I have been in the sales & marketing game for 30 odd years, specializing in boutique online marketing and business coaching for the last 15. My passion in life is Empowering Entrepreneurs to Generate Online Sales & Clients with Marketing Funnels and helping you turn your knowledge and expertise into a massive, life-changing income and a lifestyle you feel great about!

One of my pet peeves is watching jacked up newbies promising you the moon with fast, quick, and easy results. I am not one of those people. I promise value and ACTUALLY DELIVER on the results. Yet, if you want to work with me, you need to put the work in, be motivated and do all the tasks at hand! This will take time. If you are prepared to work at it, then yes, you can generate more and more high-ticket clients as well as a far more attractive revenue stream setting you on the path to your perfect lifestyle. But don’t be fooled by the others saying it is quick and easy -because it is not!

For more than 15 years, I have passionately helped 100’s of entrepreneurs, business coaches, consultants, and other professionals from all over the world start their business or leverage online marketing funnels to generate leads, add clients and increase revenue. I always over deliver on my promise – and my templates, videos and examples make the material easy to implement and the strategies alone that I provide are worth the cost of admission.

I’m going to help you create your perfect business, nail the perfect marketing funnel, and attract a steady stream of the PERFECT clients. Sounds like a tall order, but this is what I help my clients achieve every single day.

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